Fostering Organics
By Denice Rackley Eddie and Tracy Foster in Montgomery City, Missouri, are on track to support the aspirations of the next generation that are tilling the soil and raising livestock. While some farming traditions have remained the same since the first Foster stepped...
Born to Dairy
By Denice Rackley Dairy farming is about more than cows. Some families are just born to be dairy farmers. A few minutes visiting with Mike and Missy Cottrell will convince you that dairy farming seeps into your soul. The Cottrells live in Thompson, Pennsylvania, with...
Miranda Dairy – Coming Full Circle
The Miranda Dairy family. Back row, left to right are Matt Miranda (son), dairy owners Lisa and Mike Miranda and their son-in-law Levi Noel. Front row left to right are daughter-in-law Hailie Miranda, grandchildren Caden Hawkins, Kensey Noel, Zayne Miranda and...
One Mighty Mill
NForganics, MOPC Strike New Deal With One Mighty Mill NForganics and the Montana Organic Producers Cooperative have announced a three-year contract to provide organic hard red spring wheat to One Mighty Mill, headquartered in Lynn, Massachusetts. The wheat will be...