Dairy Marketing Signals
Partnerships Are Key to Growth By Brad Rach In spite of all the challenges we have faced, our dairy program continues to grow. I can’t tell you how proud I am of each and every one of you, staff and members alike, who have worked so hard to make this growth possible....
Cattle Marketing Signals
Unknowable Events Could Impact Future Cattle Prices By Jeff Rose A Purdue University-CME Ag Economy Barometer survey recently reported producers are very concerned about their farm’s 2022 performance because of escalating production costs. Namely, input prices. Most...
Grain Marketing Signals
Despite High Prices, Markets Fall Much Faster Than They Move Up By Harold Walker Conventional and organic grain markets have experienced unprecedented volatility in the past few months. In fact, it is near record levels for both conventional and organic producers....
Hayes’ Hands-On Acres
Generational Dairy Farm Becomes More Sustainable With Organic Milk, Regenerative Agriculture, and National Farmers Marketing Programs By Denice Rackley Wisconsin has been a leading producer of all things dairy since the late 19th century. At that time, the state...