Organic Farmers Pooling Bushels, Earning Fair Prices
Organic Farmers Pooling Bushels, Earning Fair Prices Collective grain marketing is alive and well in today’s organic grain market. And so is market price discovery in both the organic and conventional grain markets. It’s often been said that either you’re at the...
President’s Message
President’s Message By Paul Olson In recognition of June Dairy Month, I would like to dedicate this issue of the National Farmers Magazine to the dairy industry and especially our own dairy department and all of our producers and staff that are devoted to producing...
Dairy Marketing Signals
Staff Working To Overcome Obstacles By Brad Rach Another year, another gloomy dairy report from the USDA. The number of licensed dairy farms in the United States is now officially below 30,000. Think about that. I, like many of you, can remember back to a time in...
Cattle Marketing Signals
Markets Holding Despite Ukraine Black Swan Event By Jeff Rose Many cattle marketing analysts have been wondering what the next Black Swan event could be. On February 24, as the first missiles launched over Ukraine, we had our answer. I believe COVID-19 has had a long...