Halls, Holstein Heroes
Halls, Holstein Heroes Profit margin drives the decision for Chris Halls and his parents, Mark and Michelle, to finish Holsteins on their Brooten, Minnesota operation, in the rolling hills of the west central part of the state. “We’ve always been able to make more...
Member Policy Planks Guide
Member Policy Planks Guide Re-establish non-recourse loans as a price support instead of marketing loans, and that loan rates be set at $5.00 per bushel on corn, $7.50 per bushel on wheat, and $12.00 per bushel on soybeans. Re-enact a farmer-owned grain reserve...
National Farmers Former North Dakota Board Member Passes Away
National Farmers Former North Dakota Board Member Passes Away A long-time advocate for National Farmers Organization passed away Dec. 11. Kelly Shockman, Grand Rapids, N.D., was past president of the North Dakota National Farmers Organization, and served on the...
The Five Ds of Workers’ Compensation Insurance
The Five Ds of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Brought to you by Agri-Services AgencyThere are many factors to consider when selecting your workers’ compensation insurance. Here are some terms – five Ds – you may have heard and the affect they have...