Manchester Marketing
Manchester Marketing In eastern Iowa, National Farmers cattle marketing attracts ag producers to its programs like a magnet grabs nails. Just a few years ago, the then-new Farley Livestock Marketing Center staff looked out onto a line of semis and pickups pulling...
Market Information Key to Minimize Buyer Price Undercutting
Market Information Key to Minimize Buyer Price Undercutting By Mike SchulistIn organic markets, we have seen the 2019 poor-quality crops lead to poor 2020 prices, but the floor may be here. Some buyers have told me they were covered with their grain needs this year,...
Convene ’21 Set For the Quad Cities, Iowa Feb. 9-10
Convene ’21 Set For the Quad Cities, Iowa Feb. 9-10 The Isle Hotel & Casino in the Quad Cities, Iowa, is scheduled for National Farmers winter meeting next February. “COVID-19 has thrown a monkey wrench into our meeting plans, because of the unknowns,” said...
Dairy Producers Should Be Allowed to Vote Individually on Federal Milk Marketing Order Reform
Dairy Producers Should Be Allowed to Vote Individually on Federal Milk Marketing Order Reform National Farmers Organization dairy leaders say it’s time for the elimination of bloc voting by co-ops, when it comes to Federal Milk Marketing Order hearings. Currently,...