Pacific Northwest Dairy Producers Choose National Farmers

Pacific Northwest Dairy Producers Choose National Farmers

Pacific Northwest Dairy Producers Choose National Farmers Farmers help farmers. That’s the standard, the ag ethic, in fact. Because of that, in January, when National Farmers leaders saw an opportunity to help Pacific Northwest Organic Valley dairy farmers, they...
Northern Grain Region Has New Marketing Representative

Northern Grain Region Has New Marketing Representative

Northern Grain Region Has New Marketing Representative Steve Armour, a former grain marketing staff member who left National Farmers in 2010, has been named the independent contract marketer for members in the organization’s North Grain Region. Members in Iowa,...
President’s Message

President’s Message

President’s Message While we all continue to live in a world of uncertainty and overabundance of bad news, I would like to switch gears and talk about some of the positive things that enhance the goals of National Farmers Organization.Through some difficult times, our...
Market Change Presents New Opportunities

Market Change Presents New Opportunities

Market Change Presents New Opportunities By Dave KasenoWhen I began working for National Farmers in 1972, we were uniting most local bargaining groups into a nationally coordinated structure. Going national gave us the clout we needed to impact dairy price levels...
Marketing Opportunities Will Exist During Rallies

Marketing Opportunities Will Exist During Rallies

Marketing Opportunities Will Exist During Rallies, But Elevator Corn Prices Are Already Below $3   By Matt BrandyberryThe year’s corn and soybean crop sizes are substantial and developed faster than normal. Throughout the growing season, crop conditions have...
Cattle Numbers Will Become Short, Markets Will Take Off

Cattle Numbers Will Become Short, Markets Will Take Off

Cattle Numbers Will Become Short, Markets Will Take Off   By Pat LampertI read an article at the end of July that said cattle feeding margins were slowly improving to a loss as of July 24 of $141. Further, it said packer profits were estimated at $302. That’s a...


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010



