President’s Message

President’s Message

President’s Message As I reflect on the last 120 days, it’s hard to put into words what Americans have endured, and the lessons we can learn. One of the first thoughts that comes to mind is I hope as a nation, we have learned something about national security, and in...
National Farmers Endorses Small Farm Debt Relief Act

National Farmers Endorses Small Farm Debt Relief Act

National Farmers Endorses Small Farm Debt Relief Act National Farmers Organization onApril 28, endorsed the Relief for America’s Small Farmers Act introduced by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Representative Carolyn B. Maloney, D-N.Y.For more than six years,...
National Farmers Director for Three Decades Passes

National Farmers Director for Three Decades Passes

National Farmers Director for Three Decades Passes A long time National Farmers national board member passed away April 19.Wayne Forder, Highwood, Mont., was born April 25, 1944, along with his twin brother, Dwayne. They were adopted by Conn R. and Rose Mary Forder in...
Young Ag Leaders Sweep Farm Kids for College Scholarship

Young Ag Leaders Sweep Farm Kids for College Scholarship

Young Ag Leaders Sweep Farm Kids for College Scholarship Farming saturates the lives of the 2020 National Farmers Farm Kids for College Scholarship winners. Faith Palmer of Iowa, Awna Hirsch of Colorado and Rachel Kielholz of Missouri hustled to the top spots in the...
National Farmers Supports the Origin of Livestock Rule

National Farmers Supports the Origin of Livestock Rule

National Farmers Supports the Origin of Livestock Rule   National Farmers signed onto a June 10 letter to Congress by the Organic Farmers Association and National Organic Coalition supporting the Origin of Livestock rule. It will close loopholes by specifying...
Department of Justice Issues Request to Meatpackers for Information

Department of Justice Issues Request to Meatpackers for Information

Department of Justice Issues Request to Meatpackers for Information   According to Bloomberg News, the Justice Department has delivered civil investigation requests to the largest four meatpackers, Tyson Foods, JBS SA, Cargill and National Beef Marketing. State...


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010



