Organic Corn Forward Contracts Will Pop Up, and We’ll Connect You

Organic Corn Forward Contracts Will Pop Up, and We’ll Connect You

Organic Corn Forward Contracts Will Pop Up, and We’ll Connect You   By Mike Schulist At NForganics, we recognize a great deal of potential for the organic grain marketing program, and even better, for the farmers we intend to help, having gained a substantial...
Cattle Markets Brutal, Conditions Will Improve

Cattle Markets Brutal, Conditions Will Improve

Cattle Markets Brutal, Conditions Will Improve   By Pat Lampert Brutal. That sums up cattle markets since COVID-19 began dominating the nation. Roller coaster volatility rules markets. The first quarter of 2020 averaged 74 percent in negotiated transactions on a...
2020 Marketing Vision Convention Coverage

2020 Marketing Vision Convention Coverage

2020 Marketing Vision Convention Coverage   Olson Re-elected President, Shultz New V.P. National Farmers President Paul Olson was re-elected as the organization’s leader for a four-year term Feb. 12, at the 20/20 Marketing Vision Convention in Bloomington, Minnesota....
Members Pass Policy for New Year

Members Pass Policy for New Year

Members Pass Policy for New Year   At National Farmers 2020 convention in Bloomington, Minnesota Feb. 11, members passed policy recommendations on a wide range of farm topics. Members supported re-enactment of a farmer-owned grain reserve program. The plan calls...
President’s Dessert Reception Honors Standouts

President’s Dessert Reception Honors Standouts

President’s Dessert Reception Honors Standouts   Ihm President’s Award At the President’s Dessert Reception Feb. 11 at convention 2020, President Paul Olson presented three President’s Awards. The first honored a multi-generational National Farmers family from...


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010



