Livestock industry, cattle marketing conditions addressed at National Farmers Convene ’23
(Ames, Iowa) March 9, 2023 —Invigorated about current marketing opportunities for cattlemen, Pat Lampert, National Farmers Organization livestock marketing director said the reduction in cattle herd size has pushed markets higher than producers have seen in some time. The U.S. cattle inventory shows a four-year decline, with beef cow numbers 1 million head below last year he said, speaking to members at Convene ’23 in Bettendorf, Iowa.
“We currently have the lowest cow/calf crop on record since 1962,” Lampert said. “The most recent report stated there were 11.7 million cattle on feed. While many are comparing this year to 2014, we have 1.5 million more head on feed than we had in 2014.”
Jeff Rose, cattle contract manager for National Farmers, cautions that world events can impact markets quickly. The pandemic, war with Russia and Ukraine, problems with China, mad cow disease in Brazil, and drought lingering in much of the west and South America will effect markets.
The Cattle report estimated producers retained 6 percent fewer replacement beef heifers this year, and that 5 percent fewer beef heifers are expected to calve during 2023. The decline in numbers could mean more imports. Imports of cattle are forecast at 2.1 million head in 2023, up from 1.6 million head in 2022.

That’s why the duo urged using cattle contracting and price risk management programs during uncertain times. “Keep making a profit, don’t swing for the fences on every load of cattle,” Lampert cautioned.
National Farmers markets milk, livestock and crops for thousands of American agricultural producers. We offer six decades of experience representing farmers and ranchers. We help producers market together by grouping production from many ag operations increasing each farmer’s ability to compete in the marketplace. National Farmers’ experienced marketing professionals negotiate on conventional and certified organic farmers’ behalf in cash and contract sales, establishing commodity sales terms with the farmers’ interests in mind.