Members Vote In Favor of Reorganizing National Farmers Board of Directors
The first-ever member vote-by-mail measure results have been tabulated by RSM, National Farmers’ provider of auditing services. National Board Member Dennis Bradley, Membership Director Judy Krier and Human Resources Director Shelly Osier observed the vote counting procedure.
The voting results indicate 65 percent of members favor trimming the national board to nine members effective March 13.
“At our last convention, members debated and then passed a motion to allow mail-in voting for bylaw changes. Members also supported recrafting the structure of National Farmers’ board of directors,” said Special Board Committe Chairman Gene Paul.
The special board committee, whose members were approved by the national board in July 2022, include Gene Paul, National Secretary Dave Reed and board members Harold Walker, Wayne Prichard and Jeff Rose. The committee was charged with studying the agricultural impacts of the past four decades on National Farmers and its structure.
Committee members realized it is now more important for all members to be allowed to vote on major organizational issues, instead of just a handful of convention attendees—as was previously the case.

Further, four members will be elected by regions, and three members will be elected from the nation at large. It further specified that all members of the new board shall be actively participating in the marketing programs of the organization. And members who are also employees of the organization are only eligible to be elected to at-large positions. Board member service will be staggered, three-year terms.
The next step, nomination of board candidates, takes place in November. Candidates submit a resume and petition that is signed by five members in good standing. Members can request a nomination form from the Ames, Iowa office, or print one from the front page of
Once the vetting committee ensures candidates meet eligibility requirements, they will present the list of qualified nominees to the National Farmers Election and Tally Committee to be placed on a ballot. The ballot, along with resumes, will be mailed to all members at least 60 days prior to the national convention.