Robust Demand For Organic Products Means Higher Prices

Organic grain and hay remain in high demand with robust sales. The prices received by our producers have been excellent and demand is strong. NForganics has racked up national sales from Massachusetts to Oregon this year. Our producer and customer base has grown significantly.

The challenges for timely deliveries linger as the trucking transportation difficulties of high fuel costs and driver shortages remain. I spoke with one of our newest organic marketers in the NForganics family, South Dakota’s Jim Tesch, and he reports our producers and buyers have been very understanding of the challenges and delivery schedules.

The continuing demand for organic production and the recognition by producers that we work for the best interests of producers themselves, and not buyers, has contributed significantly to the continuing growth of NForganics.
If you want to market organic hay, grains, flax, and other organic production, I encourage you to contact me by by calling 715-496-3956 or Jim Tesch at 605-956-0739.


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010


528 Billy Sunday Road
Suite 100
Ames, IA 50010





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